F1GP-Ed Documentation

Amiga Formula One

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   Replace current settings in the File Editor and Memory Patch windows
with those contained in a F1GP-Ed datafile.  An attempt will be made to
load a calculator settings file with the name of the datafile and a suffix
of ".events" - for example, if loading "1998.f1gp", F1GP-Ed will attempt to
load the "1998.f1gp.events" calculator settings file.

F1GP Binary
   Replace current setting in the File Editor windows with the settings
contained in the main binary file used by the game.

   Replace current settings in the File Editor windows with those located
in F1GP if it is running in the background.

Converted on 07 Jun 1998 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.